Clinical Dietitian Specialist 1
Primary teams: renal, general pediatrics, orthopedics, child psychiatry
Secondary teams: neurology/neurosurgery, urology, pulmonary
- Manage enteral and parenteral nutrition within school-aged and adolescent population
- Deliver nutrition education and dietary counseling within the areas of weight loss, malnutrition/failure to thrive, and dietary management related to chronic kidney disease.
- Participate in quality improvement projects for transplant and peritoneal dialysis patients with renal team.
- Developed refeeding protocol for Pediatric Nutrition Support Services.
- Developed and delivered presentation regarding clinical management of refeeding syndrome in patients suffering from eating disorders to Adolescent Medicine Grand Rounds.
- Delivered update on guidelines and practices regarding childhood dyslipidemia to Pediatric Nutrition Support Services.
- Developed and delivered presentation regarding use of low-FODMAP diet (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) in comparison to standard dietary treatment of IBS to the Division of Pediatric GI/Nutrition.
- Developed general nutrition education presentations and collaborated with nursing staff on psychiatry unit to enable delivery of group nutrition education sessions by nursing staff.
- Created and conducted 8-week nutrition education program, bi-annually, serving children and families of Baltimore City/Well-Child participants. Program promotes healthy eating and lifestyle through behavioral change.