
Peer-Reviewed Articles: 
Coletta AM, Sanchez B, O’Connor A, Dalton R, Springer S, Koozehchain MS, Murano PS, Woodman CR, Rasmussen C, Kreider RB. Alignment of diet prescription to genotype does not promote greater weight loss success in women with obesity participating in an exercise and weight loss program. Accepted Obesity Science and Practice on 10.11.2018.

Yates MS, Coletta AM, Zhang Q, Schmandt RE, Medepalli M, Nebgen D, Soletsky B,
Milbourne A, Levy E, Fellman B, Urbauer D, Yuan Y, Broaddus RR, Basen-Engquist K, Lu K. Prospective randomized biomarker study of metformin and lifestyle intervention for prevention in obese postmenopausal women at increased risk for endometrial cancer. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2018; 11(8):477-90.

Zhang Y, Coletta AM, Allen PK, Parikh AM, Cox-Martin M, Meyer LA, Sun CC, Basen-Engquist K, Lu KH, Klopp AH. Perirenal adiposity is associated with lower progression free survival from ovarian cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2018 Jan 4 doi: 10.1097/IGC.0000000000001165. [Epub ahead of print].

Dalton RL, Sowinski RJ, Grubic TJ, Collins PB, Coletta AM, Reyes A, Sanchez B, Koozehchian M, Jung YP, Rasmussen C, Greenwood MC, Murano PS, Earnest CP, Kreider RB. Hematological and hemodynamic response to acute and short-term creatine nitrate supplementation. Nutrients. 2017; 9(12). pii.E1359.

Parikh AM, Coletta AM, Yu ZH, Rauch GM, Cheung JP, Court LE, Klopp AH. Development and validation of a rapid and robust method to determine visceral adipose tissue volume using computed tomography images. PLoS ONE. 2017; 12(8): e0183515.

Collins PB, Earnest CP, Dalton RL, Sowinski RJ, Grubic TJ, Williams CF, Coletta AM, Rasmussen C, Greenwood MC, Kreider RB. Short-Term Effects of a Ready-to-Drink Pre-Workout Beverage on Exercise Performance. Nutrients. 2017; 9(8):E823.

Baetge C, Earnest CP, Lockard B, Coletta AM, Galvan E, Rasmussen C, Levers K, Simbo SY, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Oliver J, Dalton R, Sanchez B, Byrd MJ, Khanna D, Jagim A, Kresta J, Greenwood M, Kreider RB. Efficacy of a randomized trial examining commercial weight loss programs and exercise on metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese women. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2017; 3:1-12.

Coletta A, Kreider RB. Genetic Profiling for Weight Loss: Potential Candidate Genes. Bioenergetics. 2015; 4(126):2-14.

Coletta A, Bachman J, Tepper B, Raynor HA. Greater reduction in 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) super-tasters as compared to non-tasters during a lifestyle intervention. Eating Behaviors 2013; 14(2):180-183.

Coletta A, Thompson DL, Raynor HA. The influence of commercially-available carbohydrate and carbohydrate-protein supplements on endurance running performance in recreational athletes during a field trial. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2013; 10(1):17.

Jokisch E, Coletta A, Raynor HA. Acute energy compensation and macronutrient intake following exercise in active and inactive males who are normal weight. Appetite 2012;58:722-729.

Book Chapters:
Hawk E, Colbert K, Maresso, Basen-Engquist K, Coletta AM,  Peterson S. Abeloff’s Clinical Oncology (Sixth Edition). Cancer Prevention and Lifestyles. Elsevier, In Press.

Coletta A, Jagim A, Levers K, Galvan F, Kreider R. Exercise prescription and strength and conditioning considerations. Sports Nutrition Needs for Child and Adolescent Athletes. CRC Press, 2016. 239-262.

Coletta AM, Klopp AH, Fogelman D, Li Y, Garg N, Basen-Engquist K. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry is comparable to computed tomography for visceral adiposity measurement in cancer patients and survivors. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017; 49(5S):895

Coletta AM, Marquez G, Thomas P, Thoman W, Austin A, Bevers T, Brewster A, Hawk E, Basen-Engquist K, Gilchrist SC. Adherence to physical activity guidelines in a cancer prevention and control setting: the impact of body mass index. ASPO Annual Meeting. 2017.

Coletta A, Baetge C, Murano P, Galvin, E, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Levers K, Lockard B, Simbo SY, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Cho M, Mardock M, Kresta J, Oliver J, Sanchez B, Byrd M, Khanna D, Jagim A, Earnest CP, Kreider RB. Efficacy of commercial weight loss programs on metabolic syndrome. FASEB J. April 2016 30:LB216.

Coletta A, Sanchez B, O’Connor A, Dalton R, Springer S, Koozehchain M, Jung YP, Simbo S, Cho M, Goodenough C, Reyes A, Sowinski R, Wilkins L, Rasmussen C, Kreider RB. Effects of matching diet type to obesity-related genotype on body composition changes in women during a six-month resistance-exercise training and walking program. J Int Soc Sports Nutr.2015; 12(Suppl 1):P16.

Coletta A, Sanchez B, O’Connor A, Dalton R, Springer S, Koozehchain M, Jung YP, Simbo S, Cho M, Goodenough C, Reyes A, Galvan E, Levers K, Wilkins L, Rasmussen C, Kreider RB. Influence of Obesity-Related Genotype on Weight Loss Success and Body Composition Changes While Participating in a 3-Month Exercise and Weight Loss Program: Preliminary Findings. FASEB J. April 2015 29:LB241.

Sanchez B, Coletta A, Galvan E, Dalton R, O’Connor A, Koozehchian M, Reyes A, Goodenough C, Cho M, Jung YP, Levers K, Simbo S, Springer S, Wilkins L, Rasmussen C, Kreider RB. Influence of Metabolic Genotyping on Weight Loss and Body Composition in Women Participating in a 6 Month Diet and Exercise Program: Preliminary Findings. FASEB J. April 2015 29: LB240.

Levers K, Galvan E, Coletta A, Dalton A, Jung YP, O’Connor A, Goodenough C, Simbo S, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Earnest C, Kreider RB. Analysis of Correlational Validity Between OGTT Results and a Carbohydrate Intolerance Questionnaire. FASEB J. April 2015 29:LB236.

Dalton R, Levers K, Galvan E, Goodenough C, O’Connor A, Simbo S, Barringer N, Carter J, Seesselberg C, Coletta A, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Springer S, Cho M, Mertens-Talcott S, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider RB. Powdered tart cherry supplementation moderates post exercise immunosuppression, total cholesterol, and antioxidant status with no effect on performance recovery following an acute bout of intense lower body resistance exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr.2014; 11(Suppl 1):P32.

Galvan E, Levers K, Dalton R, Goodenough C, O’Connor A, Simbo S, Barringer N, Carter J, Seesselberg C, Coletta A, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Springer S, Cho M, Mertens-Talcott S, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider RB. Powdered tart cherry supplementation effectively reduces markers of catabolism and perceptions of muscle soreness following an acute bout of intense endurance exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2014; 11(Suppl 1):P33.

Goodenough C, Levers K, Dalton R, Galvan E, O’Connor A, Simbo S, Barringer N, Carter J, Seesselberg C, Coletta A, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Springer S, Cho M, Mertens-Talcott S, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider RB. Powdered tart cherry supplementation mitigates the post-exercise immune response with reduction in total antioxidant status and serum triglyceride levels following an acute bout of intense endurance exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2014; 11(Suppl 1):P34.

Levers K, Galvan E, Dalton R, Goodenough C, O’Connor A, Simbo S, Barringer N, Carter J, Seesselberg C, Coletta A, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Springer S, Cho M, Mertens-Talcott S, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider RB. Powdered tart cherry supplementation demonstrates benefit on markers of catabolism and muscle soreness following an acute bout of intense lower body resistance exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2014; 11(Suppl 1):P31.

Cho M, Jung YP, Goodenough C, O’Connor A, Dalton R, Levers K, Galvan E, Barringer N,  F Ayadi F, Carter J, Koozechian M, Simbo S, Reyes A, Sanchez B, Coletta A, Rasmussen C, Kreider RB. Effects of ingesting a pre-workout supplement with and without synephrine on cognitive function, perceptions of readiness to perform, and exercise performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2014; 11(Suppl 1):P36.

Jung YP, Cho M, Goodenough C, O’Connor A, Dalton R, Levers K, Galvan E, Barringer N, F Ayadi F, Carter J, Koozechian M, Simbo S, Reyes A, Sanchez B, Coletta A, Rasmussen C, Kreider RB. Thermogenic and hemodynamic effects of ingesting a preworkout supplement with and without synephrine. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2014; 11(Suppl 1):P35.

Coletta A, Lockard B, Oliver J, Galvin E, Levers K, Jagim V, Rivera A, Cho M, Jagim A, Baetge C, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Springer S, Rhodes J, Waltersheid J, Chang CH, Machac A, Kerksick C, Wilborn C, Taylor L, Magrans-Courtney T, Galbreath M, Li R, Ferreira M, Rasmussen C, Kreider RB. Effects of adherence to higher carbohydrate or higher protein hypoenergetic diets while participating in a resistance-training program on obese women with and without metabolic syndrome II. South Eastern Conference Symposium. September 2014.

Coletta A, Mardock M, Lockard B, Byrd M, Simbo S, Jagim A, Kresta J, Baetge C, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Khanna D, Kyul H, Oliver J, Greenwood M, Rasmussen C, Kreider R. Effects of two popular weight loss programs on changes in body composition and visceral adipose tissue in women. FASEB J. April 2014 28:LB296.

Simbo S, Coletta A, Mardock M, Lockard B, Byrd M, Jagim A, Kresta J, Baetge C, Jung YP, Koozehchian M, Khanna D, Kyul H, Oliver J, Greenwood M, Rasmussen C, Kreider R. Effects of two popular weight loss programs on changes in android and gynoid body composition in women. FASEB J. April 2014 28:LB302.

Dalton R, Levers K, Galvan E, Coletta A, Jung YP, O’Connor A, Goodenough C, Simbo S, Sesselberg C, Bonin B, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Barringer N, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider R. Assessment of factors related to carbohydrate intolerance III: Fasting HOMA. FASEB J. April 2014 28:LB300.

Galvan E, Levers K, Coletta A, Dalton R, Jung YP, O’Connor A, Goodenough C, Simbo S, Sesselberg C, Bonin B, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Barringer N, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider R. Assessment of factors related to carbohydrate intolerance II: OGTT glucose at 120 minutes. FASEB J. April 2014 28:LB298.

Goodenough C, Levers K, Galvan E, Coletta A, Dalton R, Jung YP, O’Connor A, Simbo S, Sesselberg C, Bonin B, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Barringer N, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider R. Analysis of the validity of a carbohydrate intolerance questionnaire II. FASEB J. April 2014 28:LB304.

Koozehchian M, Levers K, Galvan E, Coletta A, Dalton R, Jung YP, O’Connor A, Goodenough C, Simbo S, Sesselberg C, Bonin B, Sanchez B, Barringer N, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider R. Analysis of the validity of a carbohydrate intolerance questionnaire III. FASEB J. April 2014; 28:LB303.

Levers K, Galvan E, Coletta A, Dalton R, Jung YP, O’Connor A, Goodenough C, Simbo S, Sesselberg C, Bonin B, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Barringer N, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider R. Assessment of factors related to carbohydrate intolerance I: OGTT glucose AUC. FASEB J. April 2014 28:LB299.

O’Connor A, Levers K, Galvan E, Coletta A, Dalton R, Jung YP, Goodenough C, Simbo S, Sesselberg C, Bonin B, Koozehchian M, Sanchez B, Barringer N, Rasmussen C, Greenwood M, Kreider R. Analysis of the validity of a carbohydrate intolerance questionnaire I. FASEB J. April 2014 28:LB305.

Coletta A, Raynor HA. Does carbohydrate-protein supplementation enhance endurance performance in male recreational runners? Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011;43(5):S405(#2223).