September 2008- August 2010
Director- Dr. Hollie Raynor
- Lifestyle, Eating, and Activity Patterns (LEAP) study
- Delivered cognitive-behavioral interventions in group and individual settings
- Assisted in participant recruitment
- screened participants for eligibility
- conducted behavioral interview to determine commitment
- conducted 24-hour food recalls with the automated multi-pass method in NDSR
- collected and distributed various questionnaires
- The Effect of Exercise on Energy and Macronutrient Intake
- Testing sessions:
- 45 minute exercise (cycle ergometer) and resting sessions
- Prepared test meal and provided after session
- Disseminated questionnaires
- Assisted with data collection of various other studies conducted in the lab
- conducted 24-hour food recalls with the automated multi-pass method in NDSR
- collected and distributed various questionnaires
- entered data in data base